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Outline for a Successful Business Team


             If you have the desire and will power, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through an ever-constant process of self study, education, training, and experience. Leaders are good at influencing people, providing purpose and direction, improving the organization, and accomplishing the mission. This comes in very handy when dealing with a team of leaders; a team where each team member becomes agile and adaptive to a complex and ambiguous environment with the sole purpose of achieving the team's goal.
             Leadership is crucial when it comes to forming teams. You cannot expect a team to function just because you put some individuals in a group. The team has to build a working relationship, a trust in one another's skills, and the confidence that when it comes to their turn, they can succeed. This team confidence will only be formed from a mutual respect of each other and of the abilities that each member brings to the team. It will not be formed because one member is a stronger leader than another. In fact, just because all members of the team are strong, doesn't mean the team will be a success. It all depends on the structure of the team and how the team operates as a whole. A key point is whether or not the team members will be able to apply critical thinking while working together. Critical thinking is the ability to be clear, accurate, precise, and relevant. A critical thinker defines the purpose at hand and the question at issue; they think open mindedly and communicate effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems. Lastly, but most important, critical thinking requires a commitment to overcoming our natural egocentric and socio-centric thoughts. .
             Team dynamics are an important factor that can become a challenge to the success of the team regardless of whether the team members are good leaders and/or practice critical thinking; it can help or hinder the performance of the team.

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