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Advantages and Disadvantages of Arranged Marriages


Arranged marriages are widely telecast on T.V serials and movies and the ideas are so strongly inherited in the society that love marriages are seen as false contrariety to the society. If a couple decides to get married against the parents will, then not just the families, but the society neglect their existence and make their lives miserable. According to Indian government journal of psychiatry the suicide rate has increased from 7.9 to 10.3 percent relating to the issue of marriage. Even though love is seen as beautiful and socially acceptable in many cultures, but unfortunately in India, it is one of the disadvantages of not getting arranged marriage. .
             Another major disadvantage of an arranged marriage is someone may not be "mature enough" to handle marriage responsibility or face marriage problems, because they haven't experienced other relationships to allow someone to learn from their mistakes.According to CEDAW Discrimination against Women,Africa has the second highest rate arranged marriages. Almost 14.3 million girls in the region become child brides before the age of 18.Young adult around this age are still in school and depend on their parents, while they are trying to establish their goals in life to become who they want to be. When arranged marriage is introduced at such a young age, they may likely to drop out of school, which also results in working a low wage jobs. In the article "Kidnapping, rape and murder in the name of family honor." By ABC News, a 17 years girl was mislead by a rich family. In the beginning they showed themselves as rich and high status, but they ended up kidnapping the girl and finally killed her. Getting fraud on the trust of arrange marriage is also one of the big dis advantage of arrange marriage.
             Another very serious issue about having an arranged marriageis the genetic effect of two same copies of the chromosomes, if the marriage is done within the family, and how it can affect the baby.

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