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Teaching Disc Golf


A few goals that will be set for the learners will be as follows:.
             Outcome Goal: Be the best disc golf players at Springfield College. .
             Performance Goal: Make 50% of the classes throws straight and on target.
             Process Goal: Maintain a smooth and controlled disc throw.
             Focus on flicking the disc with your wrist instead of the arm. .
             Throwing a disc golf disc is Low Task with High Organization. This being a discrete skill, while teaching the Disc throw, it will be taught in whole and not broken down. Even though the task should not be broken down, the environment in which the task is completed can be changed in order to enhance learning. The environment can be changed in means of change in the distance that the learners will throw as well as the size of the target can increase or decrease in size. The way in which we will teach the students to throw a disc will be through simplification of the movement. This will allow us to not break down the already short and discrete skill, but simplify it to make it easier to learn the skill. We will simplify throwing the disc at a target by both changing the distance they will be throwing the disc toward the target as well as changing the size of the target they will be throwing the disc at. The Learners will participate in a few games to learn/sharpen their skills of throwing a disc. These games will include:.
             Ring of Fire - We will mark out about 120 degrees of a circle 15 feet from a basket. We will get 10-15 kids along this arc. We will count down three. two. one. fire! and have them all throw at the basket at once. They can all run and get their discs and go back to their places for another round. The limited arc keeps them from throwing clear past the basket and wacking one of their buddies. A variation is to start at 15' then move back to 20' then 25' to give them a feel for different distances.
             - This game will let the learners practice their throwing technique and fine tune it through practice and repetition.

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