In the film Sound and Fury, the oldest child of a family with a history of deafness begins to ask about receiving an implant and they research the advantages and disadvantages of the implantation's consequences (Aronson et al., 2001). Her parents' concerns, along with the concerns of many of the members of the deaf community, include their fear of losing the importance of deaf culture and losing their child to the hearing world. They argue that being deaf is not a disability or handicap, but a culture and difference (Chorost, 2005). The father's hearing parents argue that they are preventing a cure for deafness and it is selfish to continue in a world that is hearing, while having the chance to be hearing and not taking it (Chorost, 2005). Though these concerns arise, the ability to move between two worlds is possible. Other concerns about cochlear implants include the complete loss of existence of the signing deaf community. With more and more people getting cochlear implants, the increase in cochlear technology, and the diseases that cause hearing loss becomes eliminated, the signing deaf community's demographics are likely to change markedly in the next few decades (Chorost, 2005). The long term future of American Sign Language may be no more in about fifty or so years. This may be an issue of secluding a community from society, while also trying to improve the quality of life of these individuals. It is hard to say what is the right move for this issue. .
Other neuroprosthetics raise concerns about the alteration of people's bodies. The body is bound by nature, God, and bodily integrity. The argument against wiring brains to a computer also involves a desire for bodily integrity and intuitions about the sanctity of the body (Maguire and McGee, 1999). Many people believe that our bodies are natural places and God created them a certain way. Some believe that it is not right to play God and it is an insult to the Creator in altering the body.