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Jews, Discrimination and the Nazi Regime


On September 28, 1933, the government employment was not allow the workers of the non-Aryans (The History Place, 2001) In the October, Jews were not allowed to work as the journalists because they were under control of Nazi (The History Place, 2001). Hitler changed life of the academic and artistic of Jews in Berlin, Frankfurt and other cities was immediately controlled through eternal rules, regulations, restraint, prohibitions, and flat-out bans (Stuart, 2015).
             Secondly, during the era of Adolf Hitler, Jews were also prohibited from marrying Germans (Jewish Virtual Library, 2015).On September 15, 1935, these "Nuremberg Laws" included Jews inhibited to marry or have sexual with the "German or German-related blood." (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2014a; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2014b; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2014c; Jewish Virtual Library, 2015). If a person who acted against the regulations, the person was harshly punished (Jewish Virtual Library, 2015a). .
             On October 18, 1935, the "Laws for the Protection of the Hereditary Healthy of the Germans People" included the marriage partners had a certificate from the organization of the public health (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2014c). Moreover, Hitler created the 'race-hygiene' law to protect the mixture between the blood of the German and other races (Holocaust A Call to Conscience, 2009). On November 14, 1935, a postscript of the Nuremberg Laws was created by the Reich Ministry of the Interior (RMI) (Jewish Virtual Library, 2015a), and he classified into half-Jew and quarter-Jew each with their own principles (Jewish Virtual Library, 2015b). At the point, when Jews married with a Mischling who is the Jewish religion, the Nazi considered that they were full Jew, otherwise Jews or half-Jews could marry with the full Jews, and the Jews could wed the half-Jews only or the marriage of other half-Jews and quarter-Jews could be accepted(Jewish Virtual Library, 2015b).

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