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Congress and Social Media - Minority Groups


Understand that white MCs make up 87.7% within the issues of the post/tweets, so this means if less than 87.7% of tweets/post about a particular issue come from white MCs, and more than 6.6% comes from black MCs. This means that more African American MCs used social media for that distinct issue than white MCs. At the same time, if the other minority MC's post/tweets about an issue are higher than 5.7% that means they used social media more than both white and black MCs. This SPSS software shows that the viewpoint of the MC on a specific subject may influence how much they tweet or post about it.
             With all the various issues that are brought up in Congress it can be seen that there are some differences in the amount of post/tweets from the whites compared to the two minorities. Within the data the biggest gap between white and minority MCs were the issues on health care, energy, and government affairs. Concerning these three issues, the white MCs posted/tweeted more than the two minorities by at least 1.4%. Some of biggest differences with African American MCs were the issues of civil rights, crime, and party politics. The SPSS software showed that the black MCs posted/tweeted more than the other two groups when it came to these issues. The software also showed that defense, education, and immigration were the issues where the other minority MCs used social media more than the other two groups. .
             Going through the data we can see that in the different topics that are discussed in the post/tweets there were some differences in the average percentages. It was also not a surprise to see what the more important topics for each group were. For example, when we look at the issue of crime, we can see a difference in percentage. Only 2.9% of the white MCs, 4.8% of the African American MCs, and 2.1% of the other minority MCs posted/tweeted about issues of crime. This occurs because communities in the United States that have a higher crime rate tend to have a higher percentage of minority groups living there; MCs tend to voice their opinions on topics that relate to members of their racial communities.

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