Women had to fight for everything they wanted, compared to the normality of Men being educated and empowered at a young age. This issue, although distinctly smaller during the era, preluded what was to eventuate; men empowering women. .
Gender relations proceeded to worsen chronologically and through until British rule, women were unfathomably mistreated. Medieval India was the foundation for inept gender relations within India. These inhumane Indian customs kept building as a result of the inequalities; fundamentally exposing a gender divide. The practices of ' Purdah, Dowry and Sati each affected Women in some form and should duly be exemplified. Firstly, Purdah is the custom" in some Muslim and Hindu communities of keeping women in seclusion, with clothing that conceals them completely when they go out". 3 A large reason for the decline in the status of women and their freedom was that ' original Indians wanted to shield their women folk from the barbarous Muslim invaders'. 4 In order to protect them purdah was instilled, a custom which heavily deteriorated their status. It curtailed the freedom of women, as India began to become gender dominated. Moreover, Dowry a tradition that undermines women, leaving them as the inferior element within a marriage, 'refers to the durable goods, cash, and real or movable property that the bride's family gives to the bridegroom, his parents, or his relatives as a condition of the marriage'.5 This injustice is in particular worth noting, due to the wider burden it has on the entire family. If she is unable to bring sufficient dowry, this woman is therefore harassed and all control is issued to a husband. .
The disturbing position of women in India continued to decrease over time, illustrated through Child Marriage and the most repulsive tradition of Sati. Firstly, Child Marriage is defined as 'formal or informal union before the age of 18', although it's a reality for boys and girl, women are disproportionately more affected.