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Canada and Equality for Women


In 1919, it was legal for women to be federal candidates. Women had also become eligible to sit as members in the federal House of Commons and in all of the provincial legislatures between 1916 and 1923(Burt 145). In 1920, Dominion Elections Act allowed women to run for election to parliament (Coomber 6). The improvement of women's role in the House of Commons further improvement of women's role in the House of Commons further prove that government treat women much more equally than before. Women's right were getting improved in a big jump by extending their voting rights.
             The significance of work and how much can we benefit from it relates to human's life quality. In the beginning of WWI, women were reminded that "No other work that a woman can do is as important to Canada as making a home and taking care of children." (Prentice 218). But in the end of 1918, female unemployment had unbelievable risen up. The amount of twenty to twenty-four years old women who were working outside was reached 50% after twenty years of WWI (Coomber 6). Work subsequently impacted women's life compared to the different value of work during two-times period. Work was no longer only belongs to marl. The reports had shown us that women could also complete a job that men do; they began to express their ideas and put their own thoughts into action. The amount of women who were working got lower wages than men. During WWI, female workers only received 54% to 60% of salary that men earned (Coomber 26). Women started to fight for their equality; Margaret Hyndman---the president of the Business and Professional Women's club was one of the representatives during that time (Coomber 43). At this stage, the atmosphere of unfairness around women was stirred up. They tried to prove and break this situation by the power of uniting. This is important as a prerequisite and foundation of later change. As early as in 1919, the Treaty of Versailles had already included the principle of equal pay for work.

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