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Criminal Justice in Germany


The rise of the Nazi regime in in the early 1930s brought Germany out of its economic decline with its mixed war/civil economy. Moreover its criminal justice system would find itself reformed into a system best manipulated by the Nazi hierarchy. In the aftermath of WWII Germany was split between a democratic and communist form of government. Each would retain its own form of criminal justice which I will discuss later. Moreover after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the passing of the Cold War Era, the Germany as we recognize it today came into fruition. With its seat within the European Union and one the world's best economies Germany has become major player within the world today.
             Modern Germany is a federal, as well as parliamentary democratic entity today found throughout many countries in Europe as well. Operating under the government framework, known as Grundgetsetz or Basic Law, instilled by the allied nations after World War II in 1949, and completely breaking free of its eastern Soviet form of government. The country is headed by a representative President that is elected by federal conventions. The current president Joachim Gauk, who focuses primarily on representing the people and maintaining powers throughout the nation. At his side is the Bundestagspräsident, or vice president, who deals with foreign relations. Angela Merkel is the third highest in power as the acting chancellor of Germany who retains executive power, and serves as a correspondent for military actions. Legislative power consisting of the Federal Diet, and Federal council comprise the legislative body of government. Here is where all elections are held and the overall representation of the 16 regions of Germany are conducted.
             In regards to law enforcement Germany is a key innovator throughout the world. Comprised of Roman Law and elements of Germanic law that developed during the period of the 1st Reich, Germany's civil law system is quite innovative in that sense.

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