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The Life and Rise of Adolf Hitler


Hitler was able to gain the trust of many Germans by offering them what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He used simple catchphrases, repeated over and over. On Election Day September 14, 1930, the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes – over eighteen percent of the total – and were thus entitled to 107 seats in the German Reichstag. It was a stunning victory for Hitler. Overnight, the Nazi Party went from the smallest to the second largest political party in Germany. (http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/elect.htm).
             It seemed that Hitler always had some type of trick or tactic up his sleeve to make people succumb to his demands. During the Great Depression in Germany was the perfect time for Hitler to think of a new plan to get more Germans on his side. During this time people were struggling to make ends meet, some couldn't find employment and Hitler knew that by forming a strong political stance, that he could gain more power. Germans were open to any extreme options and anything that Hitler wanted done. Hitler came up with a ban for racial Hygiene in which the Holocaust fell under. Hitler felt that it was his duty to mankind to get rid the world of all Jews, so he muscled up all types of resources and man power to do so. Between 1939 and 1945 Hitler was responsible for the deaths of eleven to fourteen million people and about 6 million Jews. .
             Adolf Hitler Started out as a leader but later became more involved with politics when other individuals from the government liked his tactics in which I will never understand because of the high deaths rates that he produced. It was said that Hitler believed that the German army had been betrayed by civilian leaders and Marxists, Hitler also found that the Treaty of Versailles was degrading because he felt that it was going to interfere with his plans to rise to power.

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