[ CITATION iCA15 l 1033 ].
Claude E. Welch, Jr. discussed about the issues including in contemporary slavery in his academic paper. Those include forced labor, child marriage, sexual exploitation, debt bondage, child labor and child soldiers, domestic servants and human trafficking.[ CITATION Cla09 l 1033 ] Taking from the author's perceptive on modern slavery, I will link the issues between Myanmar and Thailand to explain more about slavery issues.
Human Trafficking.
In the introduction, I mentioned that people often confused in differentiating the terms between trafficking and smuggling. The main differences between smuggling and trafficking are, 1. The individual is consented prior to smuggle 2. Then he/she entered into the State illegally. However, in the case of trafficking, the individual may or may not be agreed and can enter into the State both illegally and legally.
According to Zrinka Gugić, it can be considered as human trafficking if the victim was being recruited, transported, transferred, harbored "by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation."[ CITATION Zri14 l 1033 ] Now, I will present the case studies of both contemporary slavery and human trafficking as they are usually related to each other.
Case Study: Zaw Zaw.
Zaw Zaw is a 26 year-old Burmese worker who was planning to smuggle illegally to Thailand then he was being internal trafficked from broker to broker and finally sold as a slave for the fishing industry. He spent three months as a slave on board and mentioned that he saw three murders and was drugged by the captain with amphetamine. With the inhumane working hours of 15 to 20 hours when living under the constant threat of violence and death, he finally decided to run away from fishing boat.