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Upheavals in the Enlightenment Period


One of the books targeted the Catholic clergy, and more specifically, Capuchin monks who were said to "run a 'university of cuckoldry'" (p38), while other books attacked Marie Antoinette for her lavish lifestyle and Louis XIV declaring that the revocation of the Edict of Nantes would "be his undoing" (p39). Corruption in the French government and in the Church pushed people like Voltaire to rebel against what was preached and what was taught and cling to the free thinking protestants in England. .
             Voltaire praised England in almost every facet in which it was different than France. This included the morals of the clergy of the Church of England which, in Letter V On the Church of England, he called "more regular than those of France" (pg 117). He credits this to their being educated in the universities of either Oxford or Cambridge which were "far from the depravity and corruption which reign in the Capital". (117) This is fairly unsurprising that he felt that England clergy was so much more upright than European clergy. He saw that nepotism and favors were not as blatant or predominant in the Church of England as "employments are here bestowed, both in the church and the army, as a reward for long services".(p117) This keeps "youngsters" from becoming bishops or colonels and abusing their power. Another point that Voltaire makes is "most of the clergy are married".(p117) He credits much of their uprightness with this fact as they are more obliged to "confine himself to and rest contented with his own"(p117). .
             Voltaire also loved the English government and seemed to believe that many things they did were without fault. He even defended them in Letter VIII On the Parliament against people accusing the senate of "selling their voices on certain occasions" (p121) saying this was "doubtless very unjustly".

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