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Women and Religion


             Female education has been a very large issue in Islamic nations for many years. Islam originally encouraged religious education of Muslim women, however these ideals soon changed, particularly after the colonial era, and women began to be discouraged from seeking knowledge from public schooling. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report, which reviews how 134 countries have succeeded in closing gaps between men and women, 17 out of the 20 countries at the bottom of the gender gap scale were Islamic nations. UNICEF notes out of 24 nations with less than 60% primary enrollment rates, 17 were Islamic nations. 70% of Muslim women are illiterate in several Islamic nations. The statistics are more favorable for women in universities, but overall the consensus has been that restrictions on education are very real for women living in Islamic societies. .
             The employment of women in Islamic society outside of the home is supported by the teachings of the Quran. The role of wife and caregiver, however, are generally the stated norms for the roles of women in society. It is seen as the man's role to provide for the family and financially support the family's decisions. Women are allowed to work in Islam, under certain conditions, such as if she is in financial need and her employment does not cause her to neglect her role as a mother and wife. They must not work in jobs that violate Islamic law, such as serving alcohol, while performing works outside of the home. Women are not obligated, however, to share the money they receive from working or any inheritance they received before marriage with their family because it is not their responsibility to provide for the family. Statistically speaking, Islamic nations have the lowest women labor force in the world. Certain nations, such as Saudi Arabia, make it very difficult for women employment because things such as driving, military involvement, and working in professions with men are all prohibited.

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