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Company Overview - Intel Corporation


This specialization maximizes on the production of highly competitive products in the market, each specializing in specific products. The Company continues to enjoy massive sales of its products with 2015 sales report showing $11, 005 million net profits. The company, however, faces stiff competition from other integrated companies like Dell, Samsung, and Apple. .
             In the recent past, Intel records a gradual increase in the total number of sales of its PCs. During the close of the last quarter of 2015, the company realized a rise in the sales with approximated income of $12.8 billion representing a 3% rise compared to the previous quarter. Regardless of the rise in revenue, the business has been operating below the expected income, with yearly income circulating at a flat rate. In the second quarter, company anticipates an increase in the total revenue to $13.2 billion. This is due an increment in capital to $8.7. The trend has been worrying to the management team of Intel citing chances of go down in total revenue due to increased competition in the industry.
             Today, people link Intel's emerging status to provision of communication device of choice, which revolutionizes the modern life. Intel continues to develop new devices such as video conferencing, internal networking, and the Internet. In 2005, CEO Paul Otellini partnered with Medopad to provide mobile health solution in their hospitals. Emerging inventions such as Core microarchitechture of 2007 adds exceptional leap in processor performance. Consequently, the invention of small-sized Penryn microarchitechture and Nehalem architecture in 2008 promoted the positive reviews on Intel. Intel continues to hit the market through these new inventions.
             Regardless of the great achievements in its operations, Intel faces a series of challenges ranging from managerial to customers' needs. One of the major challenges facing Intel is the withdrawal of its partners such as Facebook and Google.

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