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Evaluation of an At-Risk Teenager


She is wearing an ankle monitor and it will allow her to attend school and return home. Should she attempt to go anywhere else out of range, the monitor will inform her probation officer and the police will pick her up immediately and she will be placed in juvenile detention until she is 18 and then placed in jail for all of her charges. She will be in jail for 32 months total. Sarah's mom believes her daughter is seeking attention by any means necessary which makes her mother believe she needs help. .
             At one point, Sarah was a member of the cheerleading squad and since she was not able to keep her behavior and her grades where they needed to be, the cheerleading coach removed her from the squad and informed her that she will not be able to participate any longer. Sarah was not happy with that and she tried to commit suicide on more than one occasion hoping that she would be successful in ending her life. This behavior also has her mother concerned. Her mother now wants an evaluation done with possible treatment. Sarah again was not happy with that situation. .
             Sarah was referred to my office for evaluation and possibly further treatment. On the first day of speaking with Sarah, she has informed me that she did not like the fact that she brought in for this evaluation because she believes that she is not a bad teenager and that she only needs some assistance in coping with her behavior issues. I informed Sarah that the reason she is here is based on what her mother believes and she only wants her to be evaluated. I informed her that at any time if you are not interested in completed this you can inform your mother and we together will take the necessary steps to stop treatment. In my assessment of Sarah and her situation, I realized that this family has several areas that need attention. Sarah is in need of interventions through Juvenile services. The area of concentration will be based on my assessment and include suicide and behavioral issues.

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