, 2014). .
Indeed, after the Expo which already has the impact of steering high economic advantage with regard to increased investments, there will be more economic advantage of potentially increased investment owing to the high exposure of the region to international investors. In this regard, its contribution to the economy will provide a long-term effect due to its aspect of pre-and post effects where the GDP will receive an automatic rise. Indeed, the organizers of the event also anticipate more investments from both local, international and the third party promoting the brand, 'Dubai' which the event is expected to do (Teare, 2014). .
However, the event does not provide an automatic benefit. In essence, learning from previous Expo, there has been losses to the economic performance of the region rising up to 30 percent. For instance, the Hannover Expo of 2000 was credited with a total loss of about 1.2 billion dollars among other case scenarios. In this regard, this event in isolation does not guarantee profits on the hosts although some positive implication of the event is realized over a span of time. Indeed, the host cities are also focused from the global perspective which is expected to steer a positive implication on the many sectors such as the hospitality, retail and aviation (Teare, 2014). Besides, other sectors such as the construction industry also remain after the event and further lead to the reinforcement of the city's economy. .
Indeed, another direct impact is the rise in the revenue created. It has been estimated that about five times extra revenue is created above the costs attributable to the running of the pavilions, tax and other expenditures. Indeed, trade, hospitality and tourism sectors also experience a direct growth from the event as realized from historical cases and the same is expected in the forthcoming event. From the historical perspectives, tourism directly rise from the event as more visitors attend the event and perhaps makes their decision to invest in the host countries as a result of their experience.