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Cultural Values, Beliefs and Traditions


             Second, births rituals are children's education are dissimilar in Russia and America. In my country, when a woman is pregnant, her life is a dream, especially when it is a first baby. Parents and grandparents come every day and help with cooking and cleaning. Pregnancy is like a ticket to a carefree life because everybody in the family treats the woman as a disabled person. Consequently, it is unusual when a pregnant woman works; in contrast, American pregnant women compelled to work. In my home country, when the baby is born, within the next 40 days only closest family members are allowed to see the baby. It is a ritual that tells us that people with "bad eyes" can cause a negative influence on the child. By people with "bad eyes" we mean people who are jealous. Also, Russians don't buy any baby clothing until the baby is born because we believe it is bad luck. On the other hand, Americans are free of any bad or good luck beliefs. They allow anybody to see the baby from the first day. Moreover, they take the baby to the grocery store or to the shopping mall without any fear and they purchase clothes ahead. Another aspect that separates our cultures is the way we raise our children. In Russia, children love to spend time around grandparents because they always satisfy their needs, For instance, I remember, when I was a child, my grandparents took me on vacation with them everywhere. When we used to go shopping, they bought whatever I wanted. In America, grandparents do not very often see their children and grandchildren. In all American movies, children live their own separate life. Christmas celebration or birthdays are like a family reunion days, when everybody gets together for a couple days.
             Third, the relationship between a husband and a wife is another aspect that makes family life in Russia and America unalike. It standard Russian family, everybody has a role in the everyday household.

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