It has been able to persist and sustain the influences due to its nature, structure and features (Adedeji, 2012).
"There is need for us to explain the word "traditional". This word means indigenous, that which is aboriginal or foundational, handed down from generation to generation, upheld and practiced by Africans today. This is a heritage from the past, but treated not as a thing of the past but as that which connects the past with the present and the present with eternity. This is not a 'fossil' religion, a thing of the past or a dead religion. It is a religion that is practiced by living men and women" (Awolalu, 1976) ATR was created by the Africans and is passed on from one generation to the other by word of mouth. In addition, ATR has been in existence long ago before the arrival of Islam and Christianity on the African continent. Furthermore, ATR is only practiced by the Africans (Saawuan, 2012). .
The idea of God, divinities and spirits in ATR doctrine has been so misinterpreted by many scholars to the point of seeing Africans as people who did not acknowledged the Supreme Being nor worship Him (Ekeke; Ekeopara; 2010). ATR has God as its supreme being. Divinities in ATR are messengers of God. The belief in one Supreme Being has been the center of the religion. It has been able to withstand all external forces and continues to be a religion that is practiced and lived by human beings (Adedeji, 2012). ATR is a unique religion as J. O. Awolalu stated: .
"This is a religion that is based mainly on oral transmission. It is not written on paper but in peoples' hearts, minds, oral history, rituals, shrines and religious functions. It has no founders or reformers like Gautama the Buddha, Asoka, Christ, or Muhammad. It is not the religion of one hero. It has no missionaries, or even the desire to propagate the religion, or to proselytize.".
To the Africans, God is unique.