" [ CITATION How72 l 1033 ].
The tomb consisted of 6 different parts or rooms. The 16 flight of stairs led down to the corridor opened up into the antechamber. There were no doors that were visible enough to be opened into any other rooms. The Annex room was located on the left side of the antechamber, whereas the wall that stood between the burial chambers needed to be dismantled. A smallish treasury room was then found beneath the southern wall of the chamber. Within the tomb Carter was able to uncover up to 3000 single artefacts, many of which were made up of pure gold. Many of these magnificent items included: jewelry, fine linen clothing, chariots, ornaments/vases/jars, food & wine, furniture such as: chairs, beds & thrones, perfumes & ointments, games, weapons and statues. Each artefact was believed to be needed in the afterlife with the King himself. The tomb walls were painted with detailed pictures of the boy king's life. Each wall would contain a portrait of the activities the king would participate in. An example of these activities would be chariot racing or hunting near the Nile River for gazelle's. .
In the burial chamber, each side of the wall is painted different rituals and ceremonies the King will encounter. Some of these rituals include: mourners burying their King, Opening of the mouth ceremony, the 12 hours Tutankhamun must pass to get into the afterlife and the Gods of Anubis and Isis welcoming the King. The treasure room that was connected to the burial chamber was uniquely decorated. Four Gods/Goddesses were placed in each corner of the room. Distinctly, they were presented in the room to ward off any evil entities that could cause the organs of the King any grief along the way to the afterlife. The sarcophagus in which Tutankhamun rested was made out of 4 gilded shrines as the outer-most shell. The coffins itself would resemble a Russian doll that would decrease inside.