Once those in charged discovered the inability and cruelty these ships brought upon these prisoners they shut them down. When the twentieth century came around that's when the true prison system was developed. People had more understanding of what punishment should be like. "In 1933, the first open prison was built at New Hall Camp near Wakefield" (THLPR). This was the beginning of the prison system we now have today. .
Over the years many traitorous things have been introduced in the United States, and one of those things is drugs. "In 2006, the United States arrested approximately 1.89 million people for drug-related offenses, up from 581,000 in 1980" (ROC). Those numbers were just from two thousand and six alone which was nine years ago, and since then that number has gone up rapidly. Drug abuse has sadly become very common. Although some of those drug offenders may be a harm to other citizens, others may not. "It is an affront to the founding principles of America to lock peaceful people into cages just because they consume or sell drugs" (HLPR). Not every drug offender out there is the same. There are numerous drugs out there, some more harmful than others. There are more inmates in prison due to drug violations than any other crime combined. Over sixteen percent of prisoners in the United States are in for drug violations. Law enforcement and the government have tried to lower the drug use for many years yet there seem to be more and more drugs entering the United States and more substance abuse among people. .
Although there is no excuse for drug use there shall be other alternatives than imprisonment. Current events show that the legalization of marijuana is becoming a solution to many drug offenders' problems. Marijuana is one of those drugs that aren't addictive or abused to the extent of more harmful drugs such as heroine, meth, etc. As of now there are four states and the District of Columbia who have legalized marijuana, by twenty sixteen a mere five more states will have legalized marijuana, and after that who knows how many more.