As a result, in a diabetic immune system, the pancreas in unable to produce insulin to move glucose around, so the glucose stays in the blood ("Type 1 Diabetes- What is Diabetes?"). .
Type One- also known as Juvenile Diabetes- is much more common than the average person would dare to dream. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation "one in three Americans born in 2000 will develop diabetes" ("Key Issues"). Now, think of three people you know and then imagine one of them being diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. Next, imagine this individual suffering from kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputation, heart attack, [or a] stroke" ("Key Issues"). These are some of the realistic threats to his or her life that come with having Juvenile Diabetes. Not included in the list drafted by JDRF is the risk of a diabetic coma, which is more than just a threat. There is no need to research statistics for this fact- I have seen it with my own eyes in the form of my sister. My family and I play a large role in finding successful embryonic stem cell research. In June of 2000, my younger sister was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. This unfortunate event provided many consequences for both my sister and the rest of our family. However, one of the benefits this diagnosis brought to us was the connection to J.D.R.F. (JDRF). We work in cohorts with this foundation and all of the other families affected by Juvenile Diabetes; our mission is to find a cure. Embryonic stem cell research brings hope to everyone suffering or touched by this disease, and we have never been so close to finding a cure as we are now. The use of these stem cells can not only assist us in finding a cure for Juvenile Diabetes, but it can also provide a potential cure for certain types of cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. .
Juvenile diabetes is a life-threatening disease that affects people of all ages throughout the world, specifically, my sister.