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Career Path Essay - Criminal Justice


Much power was rested on the first police officers (Steverson, 3, 4).
             In most American northern cities in the nineteenth century, major civil disturbances and disruption erupted over matters of race, ethnicity, as well as economic problems in politics. In 19th century, American States began to create "Policing Agencies". The "Texas Rangers" was the first state police, followed by Arizona, New Mexico, and Massachusetts, respectively. The federal police emerged as a result of the inability of the state police to deal with federal crimes like robbery, robbery of US mail, fraud involving mails, and counterfeiting (Steverson, 19, 20).
             From the origin of policing to the present day police department, a lot of changes or developments have occurred. A modern police officer now has among his responsibilities or duties, the duty to regulate and control traffic, sabotage, and counter terrorism. I observed in the course of my research that a modern police officer is though more equipped than the incipient police officer, yet more prone or vulnerable to danger. However, this does not deter or dissuade me from my chosen career. According to police officer Jerrod Bell, I interviewed- I asked him, "What do you wish you knew (but didn't know) when you first contemplated this career?" he said, "I wish I would have known the sheer political implication and involvement that goes with the law" (Bell). I chose this career due to its stability and lack of monotony. Below are the answers that officer Bell Jerrod gave when I interviewed him. He said no two days are alike, that it can be very quiet a day or it can be extremely busy other times. Bell said that the fact that he is doing something that everyone cannot or would not, sometimes bring positive experience into people lives. He mentioned the stereotyping that happen a lot and negative attitude that people sometimes have concerning the police profession.

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