Another factor being examined will be the behaviour of a child, and how they react to the many different situations in their life. As Statistics Canada stated, most single parent homes are led by the mother, and have a father missing. This may cause many social and emotional problems early on in the child's life which could develop and become a problem in the future. The last factor being looked at will be the child's health. Children living in this type of accommodation have the chance of becoming either physically or mentally unhealthy. With that said, a child's education, their behaviour and their health are all correlated with having a non-residential or absent parent in their lives. .
Review of Literature.
According to Samuel Kojo Antobam from the International Union for the Scientific Study population, "The effect of parental absence on a child's educational attainments is mixed" and that when "children are left at home for more than three hours a day after school, they exhibit signs of low self-esteem, low academic performance and depression".( 2014) There are many studies presented in previous literature that address the impact of absent parent homes and a child's upbringing, and that having a parent missing from the home can have consequences in a child's future. In one presented study, families were called randomly and interviewed via telephone and either the husband or wife was selected for each call. They were surveyed based on the age of their children, and their marital status. The interviews started in 1980 consisting of 2,003 married people. After a series of questions were asked based on their family life, it was stated that men and women who grew up in families where fathers were genuinely involved from childhood were positively related to educational and occupational mobility. (Stewart, 2010) In another study that was read, it was stated that fathers usually tend to give advice about work, education, future plans, and personal problems.