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The Holy Spirit and the Church


            The Bible notes several roles the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of people today. The Holy Spirit works in many additional ways. For example, one of these roles is to serve as a helper or comforter to us. The writing of the Bible itself was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit that inspired people to understand their experiences with God and pushed them to record them down. The Holy Spirit also provides us with special spiritual gifts, just as it did the Apostles' during Pentecost. If we nourish these gifts properly as Jesus taught us, they will help us in our daily lives and allow us to be closer to God. The Holy Spirit dwells in us as believers. In addition to the many roles it plays in our lives, it seals us as belonging to God. The Holy Spirit is the person of God who lives with us in our time on earth and teaches us to truly know and follow God. .
             The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Bible. The Bible is composed of only what God wanted to be taught and only what he taught. There are two sets of book within the Bible, these are the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old testament tells of God shaping the Israelites to be his own people and preparing them for the birth of his son, Jesus Christ. Each and every section of the Bible was written in four direct steps: people's experiences with God, an understanding of what these experiences meant, people were inspired to write about their understandings and finally, the selection of which texts were important and the discarding of inaccurate and unnecessary content. Over thousands of years, Abraham's descendants had numerous experiences with God. However, before this knowledge was recorded, it was passed on to many generations through story, song and ritual. This is known as 'oral tradition'. The Holy Spirit inspired people to come to understand their experiences with God. It often took people a long period of time to understand their complete meaning.

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