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Family, Dreams and Regrets


            Everybody's been torn between family and their dreams before no matter who you are, whether it be a tragedy that strikes the family or just a twist of fate. Ron Rash's "Blackberries in June" is about a young couple that are madly in love with each other who are slowly attaining their dream of becoming successful and living a good life. But tragedy strikes and now their dreams are interrupted by their responsibility and loyalty to their family. The three main symbols that I have chosen from Ron Rash's "Blackberries in June" the lake, the house, Jamie's mother and Linda, her sister-in-law.
             The lake gives their spirits and bodies cleansing. It symbolizes their sanctuary and serenity away from the outside world, away from people who try to drag you and your dreams down with them. The lake confirms their love and strength for each other. It gives them peace of mind and brings them together as one as Ron Rash describes the moment as "The sway of water eased away the weariness of eight hours of standing, eased as well the dim ache behind her eyes caused by hurry and noise and cigarette smoke. The moon mirrored itself in the water, and Matt's head and shoulders shimmered in a yellow glow as Jamie raised her mouth to his" (56). In the end of the story it seems that they are kind of torn from each other because of family obligations when he [Matt] enters the lake alone without Jamie as she thinks about her brother laying in the hospital and what he has done to help them.
             The house represents the future they are working for, the escape of hardships that have been in every family members life, and that their dreams that are attainable. Jamie "caulking the cracks and gashes on the walls and ceilings" (54) seems to signify her building their future together by mending and molding their own path with their own hands. They keep in mind their future that they want to start together as they work on the house.

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