People from all walks of life and backgrounds come in to get x-rays and it expected that you treat every patient equally no matter who they are. This rule also implies that you will not treat anyone any differently due to their illness. It is critical that you do not back away from a case in fear that the disease that they have is contagious. When caring for these patients you should use proper protective gear ( gloves, masks or gowns) but you should a no point make them feel uncomfortable being around you because of something that you say or do while around them. .
The fourth code states that you should have knowledge of the x-ray room and equipment and techniques that are needed for each procedure performed. As a radiologic technologist you need to be able to prepare the room and select the proper technique needed to get an optimal image. This includes making sure there are protective equipment in the vicinity, the tube is detented to either the wall bucky or the table, and that there are sponges and extra cassettes as needed. It is important that the room is set up before your patient comes back to the room. Also, it is imperative that you are able to manipulate the tube so you can get a good visualization of the anatomy. For instance, if your patient is having difficulty getting into an oblique position for a projection the technologist can angle the tube so it creates that obliquity necessary for the image. Additionally, you should be able to adjust the technique factor to accommodate for your patient's body habitus. For example, when you are assisting a small frail 90 year old woman you may want to consider adjusting your technique to a large pediatric setting. The fifth code states that you should make decisions for you patient with their best interest in mind. For example, if your patient is coming in for a chest x-ray and they say that they are experiencing dizziness it would probably be a good idea to do the lateral and an AP projection from their litter or wheelchair.