This could very well likely turn into a strength, but I would say it will take more practicing/observing in the actual field.
Respect means communicating to others our sincere belief that they, like everyone, possess the inherent strength and capacity to make it in life; they have the right to choose their own alternatives and make their own decisions (Smalls, 1981). The example used in Small's "Becoming Naturally Therapeutic," the client asks the counselor what he should do. As a counselor we would not respond to that, but simply feed back to the client our observation, helping the client stay closer to his real feelings and taking responsibility for them. I feel that in my daily life that I tend to be a "fixer," possibly too much. This could be a weakness for me, as I like to help people decide what to do. This will in time become a strength since I do love to help, but will learn more in depth of how to word conversations differently in order to let the client be in control. .
Self-disclosure is sharing our own feelings and experiences in an attempt to help the other person (Smalls, 1981). I would say for the most part, this would be a strength for me. When listening to friends or family I do seem to sometimes reach for an experience I have had that is similar, thinking it could ease their pain or help get them through that rough time. This does seem to help with friends and family, and I would assume it would be beneficial with clients as long as we do not use countertransference, sharing information too distant from the client, or to where it would take focus away from the client. This can be a controversial trait and we have to be very careful with it as to when we should disclose. That part could be a weakness for me at the moment, but it will all come naturally with time.
Warmth, expressed through word and the accompanying non-verbals such as smiles, head nods, embraces, vocal tones and facial support, may be described as the glue that holds empathy and the possibility of positive change together.