"Hundreds of San Quentin inmates received injections of animal testicular substance; some received a piece of ram's testicle the size of a silver dollar, which was implanted into the scrotum or abdominal wall." (Hornblum) The researchers intentions were to convince the prisoners that it had a reliable affect on the genital area as far as receiving the actual results that they were intentionally interested in getting. The doctors explaned that this procedure would create sexual stimulation. "He also believed he was "fortunate" the operations-which he called practically painless and harmless-could be carried out in a prison because of the regimented lifestyle of prisoners." (Hornblum) In fact the plan didn't go very well because soon the positive results became negative, patients and innmates soon became infected and some major complications that were never intended. As horrid as the vision may seem this is truly how this happened. Older men like they do now with Viagra felt the need to feel young again. Back then there was no such thing as Viagra and the doctors were anxious to see if they could rejuvenate old men. Uneducated and desperate inmates would constantly volunteer for anything just to get a little change for commissary or time off their sentences. In some cases old rich men who were widowers would demand the supply of rejuvenation. They had no clue what the research consisted of; they were just anxious for the pay in return.
The government allowed these harmful acts to pursue. I am very sorry that this didn't dawn on them soon before the prisoners were tortured. Prisoners were constantly lied to and fed all these theories on how these test could make their life better or help them in the long run, that they were to blind to see that the ones who claimed to help were just utilizing them for the time being. Although prisoners who are on death row had hurt many people or maybe even some cases families, there is no reason for them to use as Guinea pigs.