When starting in 1894, there was not one man in the room that would have honestly thought they would grow to what they have become today. They committee set out to create something similar to what the Greece had in years past. The games were meant to bring friendly competition, to a world that was not very friendly. It was a world filled with people that did not necessarily value the life of another the way they valued their own. Before the Olympics, you would not see people cheer, or support someone from outside of their family, even if they were wearing the colors of the flag. Even in the United States a country that could still be seen as a new country, people were not coming together and forming a true nation. I feel like it was not truly until World War One that the United States began to show pride in their country. This was due in large part to the cultural acceptance at the time. All of the world, and in Europe more than ever, the way people viewed life was just a little different. The Olympic Games however, gave common ground to people, something besides religion to have in common. The countries colors were worn by the athletes and this was really the first time, besides in the military, that someone had done this. .
It is important to first look at the Olympics and how they had an impact at the turn on the 20th century. Today in the United States there are a few things that everyone seems to turn the T.V. on and watch, or at least watch the highlights of that way around the water cooler at work you sound a little educated on the topic. The Super bowl is one and whether you like football or not, the ratings prove that millions of people watch the Super Bowl every year. The World Cup is another, and I think it is safe to say that America is a country where few people know much about soccer, at least compared to the other countries in the world where soccer is a dominate sport.