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A Glimpse of the Bible from the Song of Songs


The principle is to "look up the Bible in the Bible" because every truth has its "twin" in the Bible that helps to prove or to interpret each other.
             So in this paper, the writer will take the Song of Songs as an example to illustrate some feature of the language used in the Bible and the right way to divide the book.
             2. An Outline of the Song of Songs.
             The writer of the Song of Songs is King Solomon. The whole poem is written in allegory, which means that the whole poem was written in figurative language. Literally, it describes the love story between King Solomon and a shepherd girl. In fact, the poem implies the love between Jesus and his saints. The hero, King Solomon symbolizes Jesus Christ. On one hand, the name King Solomon means King of Peace, which is one title of Jesus. On the other hand, King Solomon was a king of wisdom, which represents one nature of Jesus. Jesus Christ has declared himself in Matthew (12:42), "behold, a greater than Solomon is here." The heroin, a shepherd girl symbolizes all saints. Refer to 1 Corinthians (11:2), "for I (Paul) espoused you (all saints, whether man of woman) to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ." .
             3. The Language in the Song of Songs .
             The whole poem is written in figurative language. The author of this book, Solomon was a specialist of figure. Refer to the Bible: "And he (Solomon) spake of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; he spake also of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. (1 King 4:33)" The artistic value of the poem lies in its imaginative figures.
             Linda Brodkey said that to make figure is "to compare seemingly unlike material across domains" Here "across domains" refers to the dissimilarity of the signified and the signifier. General speaking, a figure's artistic value rises together with its dissimilarity, provided that there exists similarity, the foundation of imagination.

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