"You spend about half your waking life earning money, and much of the rest spending it. But how much time do you invest in making the most of what you've got? Probably very little." This quote from within the article spoke to me; it jumped out of the page at me in a way sort of like a wake up smack in the face. Not only that but it was the very first sentence which made it a great attention grabber. This article will be very helpful to me in learning how to be better at handling my money. The author gives good information and the quiz inside the article provides excellent feedback.
Another source I'm using for managing money I also found on the library database under the EBSCO host Academic search. The title of the article is "Smart Money Habits to Live By", and the author's name is Kimberly Palmer. The article was published in U.S. News Digital Weekly on July 3rd of 2014. I found this article when searching for sources on June 15th,2015. This source was very different from my first article because 90% of it was quotes from other people. The author did not give his own tips and advice simply said what other people had already said. In the last paragraph of the article: "Choose your words well. Money coach Kate Northrup gets her clients to replace traditional words for money tasks like "bill paying" or "life insurance" with more appealing ones, such as "payment for blessings already received" or "floating parachute, "to help them overcome resistance to dealing with them." I enjoyed the idea of what this person was saying very much. Money can be stressful especially when it comes to paying bills. This is a good way to help take the stress off simply by using different words when talking about money issues. As far as the article being useful as a whole, it is not except when comparing to the others how a bad article looks compared to a good one.
My third source I found on the internet, on Forbes magazine's website.