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Red Azalea by Anchee Min


            What effect did the culture revolution had on china? The culture revolution happens in in mid 1900s and lasted a full decade and had a lot of impact on the Chinese people. The main goal was to preserve communism ideology by purging against the reminisce of capitalism in the tradition Chinese society. The book Red Azalea comes from at that particular time period. Red azalea was in the center of the culture revolution. The culture revolution affected the Chinese citizens in many ways. The citizens did not enjoy the cultural revolution and lived in constant fear of communist party and they lacked freedom to express themselves.
             The culture revolution took place in china in 1966. The culture revolution took place for three reasons first so Moa can replace his successors with more trust worth leaders to his current position. Secondly, he wanted make some changes because he was not a big fan of charges that were being made by the Soviet Union and he wanted to impose a lighter version of socialism in china. Thirdly, To address both of these destinations he needed a Cultural Revolution to challenge people or groups considering; giving more youthful gathering individuals a chance to take part in progressive action, accordingly refreshing their conviction and excitement and in doing as such Moa would fortify both his own position additionally guarantee his vision for what's to come was the particular case that was received and followed in the advancing years. Like red azalea said the "the revolutionary operas created by madam Moa, comrade Jiang Chin"(15) This proved there was a political agenda behind enabling people to opera music. Moa was a big group who captivated people by propaganda to young people especially in opera music. The key was to get a lot of people on moa's side to get a lot of voters. Kids like Anchee would make poems and songs for the communist party. This was the start of the culture revolution in China.

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