This means, that kids watch to many violent situations, making them think that this is how the real world is, when it's not. They may have less empathy with other people's situations, because they will be so accustomed to violence, that they will think it's like nothing happened. .
Television can actually make kids have poor social skills as they grow. This is because while they are watching television, they are isolating themselves from other, they are not spending on time on what they really need to at their age, spending time playing outside and interacting with others. They will not be faced with daily problems, and will not know how to solve them, because television does not shows children how to do it. On the book, Media and The American Child, published by Erica Scharrer, clearly says that television does not support a healthy brain development, because when kids watch television, these programs require a very small amount of cognitive effort, so children that get accustomed to this, might have a hard time when trying to accomplish a task that requires reasoning and thinking a little more. It is also said in this books, that when children do homework in front of the TV, the quality of it tends to suffer. The kid, who do not develop good social skills on their younger lives, will have problems on their jobs as an adult, and not only on their jobs, but in all of their relationships with other people. According to a study, Professor Linda Pagani of the University of Montreal and researcher at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center said basically that if parents are hoping for their kids to learn some social skills from programs, they would not learn anything about how to control their emotions, because television does not teach them that. Here we can see how TV clearly affects social skills of kids. Since they are not learning how to develop their emotions, because they are not spending time with other children, when someone takes off something from them, they will not know how to react, and probably will end up crying.