Ethical Dilemma .
The ethical dilemma Nutriset is facing is choosing between doing what is right by the company itself and doing what is right by humanity. Michel Lescanne founded Nutriset to create a child-friendly solution for nourishment (Nutriset History and Values). Lescanne founded Nutriset with a vision based on ethical and moral values. These values revolve around economic, social, and developmental responsibility (Nutriset History and Values). These values are tied into Nutriset's decision to maintain or release the patent for Plumpy'nut. The United States is fighting the Patent to produce Plumpy'nut. If the U.S. beats the patent, Plumpy'nut would be produced in a higher capacity and would be available for the 925 million malnourished children around the world. If Nutriset does not release its patent, the dilemma would be whether Nutriset is able to increase its produce capacity of Plumpy'nut so that it is available for many more undernourished children.
Ethical Issues .
The main ethical issues related to whether Nutriset loses its patent or not are trust between Nutriset and the countries it supplies, loyalty to the original values of Nutriset, and remaining a dependable source of employment for local civilians in multiple countries. Nutriset is considered the primary source for vitamin enriched food company for countries where food is limited. The first ethical issue related to Nutriset's dilemma is trust. Nutriset has suppliers in 11 underdeveloped countries manufacturing Plumpy'nut, which increases the opportunity for Plumpy'nut to be supplied to malnourished children sooner, which helps to prevent death due to malnutrition. Plumpy'nut is still being delivered to undeveloped countries from the main plant in France as well. This increases the availability of Plumpy'nut. The availability of Plumpy'nut helps to preserve the trust that has been built between Nutriset and the countries that it supports.