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The Corruption of Social Media


" A quote from, For Politicians, Twitter remains a Learning Process by Steph Solis. This quotes makes it very clear that social media is a revolution to politicians because using it can send any kind of message out to the world. It can increase their chances of winning an election, just increasing their popularity day by day. "Today some still wonder how the Obama campaign mobilized so many people on the Web, but those who hopped on the social media bandwagon hoping to replicate its success found that they would need to offer more than rehearsed political rhetoric to gain supporters." Another quote from, For Politicians, Twitter remains a Learning Process. Obama did indeed use social media to reach out to younger audience about his upcoming elections, he basically won the election with his hashtag #YesWeCan. .
             A trending topic that boomed Twitter in November 2012, having that said social media is an powerful tool that can be taken advantage of for good and bad. "When President Obama won his first election four years ago, it was widely reported that he used social media (especially Facebook) to help gain the momentum and the votes he needed to win. From that point on, it should have been a given that all future political candidates put full utilization of social media high on their list of strategic tools as they run their campaigns." a quote from Did Social Media Play a Role in Obama's Victory? by Daniel Burrus. This quote shows evidence that social media is an strong factor for not only for people but for the biggest elections in American history. Obama was the first black president that won the election by using social media sites to help him campaign. .
             "Technology grows and changes rapidly, providing us with increased opportunities to educate and empower the public. Tools that did not exist even five years ago are now primary modes of communication for millions of Americans.

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