Although this may seem extreme, the Russian government controls 'two of the three main federal channels' and 'TV is Russia's main news source' (BBC 2010). Having a monopoly on the media to this extent will not only allow the Russian president Putin to dictate the news but also prevents 'free speech' media programs. .
English comedian John Oliver, for example, often criticizes Governments on his program, including his own. A Russian "John Oliver" would likely fail in producing the same standard of criticism on television, as the government would have control over what was released to the public and effectively how successful the show would be. The United States are also said to be heading in that direction with anti-terrorism laws affecting their citizens right to free speech. However, a country taking a step in the opposite direction is Iceland. Iceland has passed a law in parliament titled 'Icelandic Modern Media Initiative' which is said to "be the world's most stringent law preserving free speech and free press"(D.Geere 2010). To expect Russia to revert to Iceland's free speech laws that protect unregulated media outlets would be unreasonable as the Government in Russia protect a strong public image. They may however, be overstepping that reach as the vast differences between these two countries potentially make the Russian government over-controlling. It is now the case in Russia that if you speak out against the government they will either sensitise your report, fine you, imprison you or all three. On the other hand, Iceland attracts journalists as their work will be protected and encouraged by the government. .
What comes next for Russia is another issue that will arise with this law being passed. Controlling the media gives the government so much power that they could easy abuse it. The country already seems harsh with media restrictions as they are ranked at 176 in Freedom Of The Press's 'Global Press Freedom Rankings.