It was also discovered that experience of perceived age discrimination varies from person to person rather than any certain social group, which means that no particular social group has disadvantage in terms of ageism. Results of the study show that persons who experience age discrimination have lower positive well-being and higher emotional distress than persons who have not experienced discrimination. It is interesting because age discrimination has also positive side however this does not compensate the negative effect of discrimination. .
There are few hypothesizes in the paper. The first one is that older persons tend to experience age discrimination more often than younger persons. The results of the research support the Hypothesis 1. It was found that elderly are more likely to report experiencing age discrimination than younger people and than any other type of discrimination. From the previous it was found that older persons have difficulties finding jobs and receive inferior medical treatment due to this kind of discrimination. The second hypothesis predicts that some situations such as being fired, receiving poor medical treatment and being treated with less respect are perceived as age discrimination. Participants in the study who reported being fired and being treated with less respect were more likely to indicate it as age discrimination than any other type of discrimination. The results show that younger people perceive being denied a bank loan or being treated as dishonest as age discrimination. However whatever is the experience due to age discrimination and reasons behind, people seem to have the same overall discriminatory experience. .
As age discrimination influences mental health of people, some people are more influenced than others. The next hypothesis predicts that some groups of people, particularly women, are more likely to have a negative effect from perceived age discrimination.