And the most important thing, National cinema searches roles to look its own cultural tradition itself. For example, in European cinema realism becomes important. Cinema films reflect the chaos of daily life and the directors who reflect their stiles and reflect the perception of forms. In European cinema also we can see, when going inside the socialist, economic and political situations, first of all it looks to subconscious. And women become more active in films. If we want to say something about Cuba firstly we must to look Latin American cinema because it's nearly same as Cuban cinema and their problems are nearly cross to each other. Latin American cinema come out from folk tradition and makes the films from this aesthetic characteristic. They create context and they use the place like surrounding space. They think the films aren't insulated from socialist, cultural and natural environment. In Latin American cinema episodic narration is dominant. And the linearity destroyed in this way. They use empty spaces and there is not a reason or result. Especially when the film was finished the text doesn't ends. That means the film ends with the closure. In Cuban cinema we come across in the films that the text still continuous too. It is important because they perceive that the film is the part of the life. In Latin American cinema people is the part of the nature and the spectator's .
demands are produced in the films. Satire, irony and parody also use in films in Latin American cinema. Latin America is with the colonization since 1492. How was affected from cultural and political way? Of course Latin American cinema affected from colonization and also affected from the structure of many identification. In that way we can say that the Cuban cinema can be in national cinema because from the many ways it deals with the problems of sociality and of course many other problems like economy or political problems and an important point Cuban cinema creates its own language.