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Attending West Virginia University


Every time most students enter Woodburn hall they already have the historical feel warmed up within their bodies. .
             Many schools are crammed into a city full of high-rise buildings, while some schools are located in the middle of nowhere, but West Virginia University has the best of both worlds being close to everything and far from it all. In the small city of Morgantown most people have the city feel, but fifteen miles away most people can be away from it all. Students who want to take a break from academics for the weekend can take a road trip from the WVU campus, situated near the Pennsylvania border, to the cities of Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Washington. West Virginia is like its own self-sufficient world. Students are able to walk downtown to a local CVS to buy shampoo or candy. There are many cute shops that occupy downtown Morgantown, as well as date spots such as Cold Stone and The Boston Beanery. Depending on the campus, students can have a country college experience, as well as a city one. Students can take care of farm animals at day and dance at a club at night. This just proves that one of the best and most unique aspects of West Virginia is how versatile the atmosphere is.
             Most people that attend West Virginia University realize that much of their time will be spent outside the classroom; therefore WVU offers students with a diverse community that has many green spaces and great activities for students to enjoy their time well spent. Green space is another word for outdoor recreation amenities such as public parks for students, urban-forested areas, and greenways including bicycle and pedestrian trials along the Monongahela River. The Green space's at WVU gives students the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities or to even study with a group of friends. West Virginia University offers a diverse, active atmosphere, with four different campuses that will give students four different experiences while studying at WVU, rural, urban, educational, and historical.

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