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Nationalism in Europe


Then Victor Emmanuel Named Camillo Cavour the prime minister. Cavour believed in Realpolitik and his first priority was to reform Sardinia's economy. In the Crimean war Sardinia, Britain and France fought against Russia. They were not victorious however through this war Sardinia got attention from Napoleon, which led to a secret treaty with France in case of a war with Austria. When Sardinia went to war with Austria they won with the help of France. This victory led to some northern Italian states being unified. Giuseppe Garibaldi who aimed for and Italian republic handled the next priority. He recruited a small number of soldiers in attempt to win control of Sicily. He was successful in unifying this part of southern Italy. Later Cavour died but his ideas about a unified Italy were carried on. Bismark negotiated a deal with Italy and Venetia became a part of Italy. For the most part Italy was unified but still had one boundary. The Italian and Roman Catholic Church as well as northern Italy being a lot wealthier than the south kept them separated. However industrialization solved some of this. Camillo Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi both used nationalism to help unify Italy.
             Nationalism in Europe was not always for the better; in Nazi Germany there was a negative example of nationalism. Nationalism during this time was extremely violent and inhumane. During this period of time Hitler came to power. This nationalism meant racism and anti-Semitism because Hitler stated that Germans were a more superior race. His ruling was mainly based on enforcing prejudice acts towards the Jewish. In 1919 Germans constituted the Weimar republic. This republic was not very successful and on top of that Germans were already upset about the Treaty of Versailles. They were in desperate need of a strong leader and looked for a scapegoat, which ended up being the Jewish. The German government had to pay war reparations and workers, which caused massive inflation.

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