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Oppression of African American Women


It's not wrong to question these man made rules and laws that have found its way not only in society but in the bible. Steinem is right because we need to unlearn such beliefs in order to stop this notion of men being superior to women. The best way to counter such superior injustice is by sticking together in this fight for equality.
             Steinem knew a strong sisterhood amongst women will be the only way this injustice would stop. The National Women's Political Caucus is the only national organization dedicated exclusively to increasing women's participation in all areas of political and public life. Her work with the National Women's Political Caucus just exemplifies the fact that women needed to stick together in this fight for equality. Using another Ralph Waldo Emerson quote "No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing." This refers to the teamwork that woman in society so desperately need in order to have a chance at gaining a full equal playing field as men in society.
             Naomi Wolf the author of "The makings of a slut" uses her experience as woman viewing other women to express the hypocrisy and lack of unity amongst women in society. But she aims for the root by using young girls to expose this trait which transcends in adulthood for women. The main character Dinah in my opinion is a victim of "slut shaming". As I read this story I remembered my teenage days and how girls would get certain repetitions simply off of sexual behavior. There is a clear double standard between young men and young women especially when it refers to sex. For young men having sex even with multiple women is not seen as a serious act that defines that young mans character. But for young women having sex is still a shock to many and can define a young woman character in society in a negative way. What is ironic is that everyone (almost everyone) has sex its apart of nature.

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