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My Experience in Basic Training


"Looks like you shaved with your battle buddy's dick!" It was so hard to keep in a laugh, as he stood behind me chewing out this one private. Thankfully I kept quiet and straight faced throughout most of the process. Regardless of how straight faced I was; inside I was cracking up because of the comments being made. I mean, who wouldn't laugh at something like what Drill Sergeant Peeler said?.
             We had four drill sergeants total; however, Peeler was our platoon sergeant. He was an infantry soldier, who would put his life on the line no matter what it took. You could see the scar on his neck from where he got shot overseas. That guy was tough, and it was going to be a rough nine weeks with him I figured. He always seemed to have a death stare, which completely freaked most guys out mentally. .
             After we arrived at the base, we began to unload the buses and head over to the barracks. It was hectic; young soldiers-to-be ran everywhere like they were chickens with their heads cut off. Sergeants were screaming like crazy, cussing and downgrading everyone. The movement began to become more urgent, because if you slacked off, then someone would be chewing you out quickly. Every soldier had two to three full duffle bags with them. We all were demanded by Drill Sergeant Peeler to stand front and center of our bunk with our name on it. "Empty all your shit in the floor! Now!" The drill sergeant furiously yelled. We all began to dump out clothes and things that were in our bags. The four sergeants spread out and began to walk quickly past each soldier and inspect the items on the ground. They began to throw stuff that they thought wasn't important to us. The way they acted was rude and violent, but this is what we signed up for. I just kept the thought in the back of my head, "this is just them trying to scare us. Don't get nervous and be calm and collected." I had to continuously keep my thoughts clear, because this was a different environment I wasn't used to being in.

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