After the order, the Chhattisgarh government ended the official use of the word 'Dalit'.3 'Adi Dravida', 'Adi Karnataka' and 'Adi Andhra' are words used in the States of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, respectively, to identify people of former 'untouchable' castes in official documents. These words, particularly the prefix of 'Adi', denote the aboriginal inhabitants of the land.4 .
The caste system, which has existed for more than 3000 years in India, is a traditional system of social segregation, which works on the principle of purity and pollution. The caste system has been developed, in order to maintain the superiority and the dominancy of the (Savarnas)-The dominant castes. The caste system became formalised into 4 distinct communities or identities (Varnas). Outside the Caste fold is a fifth group who were termed Panchama (fifth group), Avarna (without caste), Dasa (slave) or the Chandala (obnoxious). These were later called as the Untouchables or Outcastes or the Depressed Classes. Later the state brought them under a list called the Scheduled Castes and envisaged provisions for their betterment in all respect but the ground level reality highlight the deep rootedness of caste system and the extent of stigmatization faced by Dalits with regard to the concept of purity and pollution. Distribution of water and control of similar resources showcases the extent of neglect and humiliation suffered by the Dalits to meet their ends.5.
Positioned vulnerably at the bottom of caste, class and gender hierarchies, Dalit women experience endemic gender and caste discrimination and violence as the outcome of severely imbalanced social, economic and political power equations. Their socio-economic vulnerability and lack of political voice, combined with factors of being Dalit and female, increase their exposure to potentially violent situations without escape.