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The Mourning Bride by William Congreve


Some say fear of marriage and childbirth were to blame and others blamed political agenda. Each scenario seemed to portray the Queen as some type of victim of circumstance. In contrast saying how she was a smart, resourceful, and powerful woman who led England to become a powerful nation. What if Elizabeth was not the victim anymore? What if she could not just forgive and forget the wrongs done to her over the years? Suppose she looked to the Biblical low of retribution of "an eye for an eye" way of thinking. Maybe instead of looking at her as the traumatized victim we should look at her as the master architect of a type of intellectual political revenge? Suppose she intentionally planned to end her family dynasty and hand the kingdom over to the very family that her father purposely sought to exclude from the line of succession in his will. It would be the ultimate slap in the face to her family and oppressors through a single act of defiance. .
             By her refusing to marry and in effect refusing to produce an heir, she could effectively end the reign of the Tudor dynasty. This same dynasty that had brought her so much pain and loss, was the same dynasty that her family had worked so hard to build. Basically, her family would have done it all for nothing. As for those who were trying to use her as a political pawn, she was now able to turn the tables. She could make them all dance to whatever tune she wished, simply by dangling the possibility of marriage in front of them. She was now a queen, able to rule by her own right and with no husband to control her. No longer a scared little girl, fearing for her own safety but, now, arguably one of the greatest rulers of the English monarchy. .
             The obvious question is why? What could make a girl who seemed to love her family so much, seek to end the family-line? What was the motivation for her revenge against her family and those around her? Could things have been so bad that she would have manipulated everyone around her just to avoid marriage? To answer these questions first we need to answer is why people seek revenge.

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