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My father always had a fear of water since he was a kid when his brothers chucked him into a river so he was and most importantly felt helpless. My uncle had served in the army, so he was able to swim quite well, it took about a couple of minutes to gather some people together to help what now was a rescue. It must have taken about twenty-five minutes for my uncle and the two other men to reach us, at this point my brother stopped laughing. The lifeguards were already notified at this point, our prayers were obviously working, from no hope to something. Having my uncle and those two other men with us helped my brother and me a great deal in confidence and comfort. One of the other men noticed that the raft was deflating, as if things were not bad enough, three men hanging to the side of the raft, two children inside it, it was unimaginable. The roar of the lifeboat was heard as it crashed through the waves, there it was a bright yellow angel of a boat, and at last it was over. I recall being pulled up to the boat, then my brother and then the rest. Everyone was smiling especially me.
             Jokes were made that my brother and me tried to escape to Prizo, an Island near by from where we were rescued and about the saftey rope. Until this day I thank everyone who helped in our rescue, especially God, who never left us. I will never forget the look on my family's face when we arrived back to shore. To think that my parents only two children could have been gone forever. This helped me to look at things in a different prospective. The thought's that was going through people's minds, amazing. After all one of the main tings about being Italian is that it's all about family. .
             I belong to a large family, with many aunties, uncles, cousins" brother, parents and grandparents. My immediate family consists of four people, my father, mother, brother and myself, being the youngest.
             My father is forty-six years old and was born in Sardinia and is part of a large family.

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