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Christian Letter to a Doubting Child


You said, "I cried, in bed alone, and couldn't stop" (184) and no little boy or girl should ever have to feel this way. I know you cried because you felt you lied and were not an actual believer and this is why I say making a religious decision should be done at a later age, when you are more mature and you are able to understand the concept of "seeing" Jesus and realizing who he really is. When your aunt mentioned you would "see" Jesus, this was not a literal statement but you would not know that because it was not explained to you. At a younger age, you do not understand the meaning of certain things which might cause you to belittle yourself and misinterpret certain situations because you are not willing to ask for the factual reasoning of the statement.
             Religion may fill the human need for finding meaning, sparing us from factual uneasiness while also supporting social organizations, researchers say (Azar, 1). I believe this is true because once you build this relationship with God, your life will become so much easier and you will feel like you always have someone to talk to. As I mentioned before though, this comes with age. Neither I nor anyone else should expect you to know this at the age of twelve because I know I felt the same way you did at that age. I always thought Jesus would just be there physically whenever I needed him but of course that was not the case. Once you realize he will not be there physically but emotionally, you will start to gain this satisfaction in your life. Of course everyone will not feel the same way; as I specified, individuals will experience God contrastingly depending on your upbringing as a child and what you experience throughout your life. There are many different religions out there which is another reason I say you should choose what you believe in once you are older. There is not just one or two or even three religions, but countless religions.

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