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Track and Field - Discourse Community Essay


            Joining a discourse community is something we've all experienced, whether it's a specific sports team that you participate in/watch, or an online community like twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. In our class we have talked about how to join a community of discourse using the three appeals: Ethos (credibility/trust), Pathos (emotions/values), and Logos (Logic/reason/proof). In this paper I will show how I gained the trust of my teammates, learned the different facts, information and skills to run, and also appealed to my teammates emotions, in order to be accepting onto my high school track team and also UTA's track and field team. I'll explain how running on the track team gave me all the opportunities and goals I have now, to help me be successful in the future.
             Deciding to join the track and field team my senior year was a new and exciting experience for me, although I didn't have any idea about how to run track, I was confident that I made the right decision to run for the team. I had been trying to earn a scholarship in a sport for a while and track was my last hope. Even though I had doubts since that was the first time I have ran competitively. After Months of fairly easy practice it was finally the day of my first track meet. The moment I stepped foot on the track to run the 400meter dash, as known as the quarter or quarter mile. I realized how much I didn't know and I immediately felt intimidated, compared to me everyone looked like an Olympian. After coming in dead last, I quickly decided to seek help so I could gain the certain knowledge I needed in order to get better. Luckily a family friend had saw me run that day, and offered to help me the next day.
             I started to train consecutively, in order to learn more about my event and to get better, and also be considered for a scholarship at a good college. Running track whether you're a long sprinter, short sprinter, or even a long distance runner, requires dedication, physical strength, and mental toughness.

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