As the years progressed into the 1990's advertisement began portraying women as sex objects to sell various merchandise. It became the new marketing strategy. Women were used to sell cars, cigarettes, clothing, and music especially hip hop music. Women were being sexually objectified and their image is being tainted by these types of ads. Sexual objectification refers to the practice of regarding or treating another person merely as an instrument towards one's sexual pleasure and a sex object is a person who is regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification or who is sexually attractive (Wikipedia 2011). Wikipedia also explains that feminists also see that sexual objectification of women is not only portrayed in main stream media but is growing rapidly in pornography. Women are often depicted as weak, helpless and always having a man taking control of their actions in many of .
In society today it is very difficult to find advertisement that is "good" simple and clear. According to Chyong Lin and Jen Yeh good advertisement in recent visual media are like magic mirrors in fairy tales (Lin & Yeh, Spri). It would be easy to explain to our children what it was that they saw in an ad or some type of mainstream media. How would you describe this type of ad to your child? This ad is for popular fashion designer, Dolce and Gabbana, so many of these types of ads are influencing young girls and it is depicting , the impact of against women. These types of ads are being accepted because society has allowed the motto "sex sells" dictate to them that this is the new direction advertisement is making in the 21st century.
The role that women take in modern day advertisement seems to be for the gratification of men. In the article the impact of violence against women states that the depictions of women in stereotypical contest continues to exist in advertisements for several product categories leading to the inaccurate conclusions that females may appropriately be viewed as sexual objects for the pleasure of male consumption (Capella, Hill, Rapp, & Kees, Wint).