Very rarely are extracurricular activities free and if so, the space is limited. Most activities are expensive and require large sums of monies each session. Even if the child was able to be involved in such activities, finding the time is next to impossible for some parents. .
Another disadvantage is time management. Single parents have many tasks they attempt to fulfill. Besides the duties they perform at work, they also have duties in home like; household chores, cooking for the kids, help with their homework, and spending quality time with the children. It becomes more work and not enough hours in a day. If the single parent is working two jobs, it is almost impossible for the parent to spend time with the child and engage them in their day-to-day routines. It becomes a strain on the parent where lacking time for themselves, as well and many face depression. Although single parents strive to spend quality time with the children they still seem to suffer in other areas.
These tasks are very demanding and can lead to stress and fatigue. Because you are the main person responsible, a great deal of stress can build up over time. Single parents feel a lot of guilt and this tension can manifest in the home. Often time single parents are in a state of depression and lose a sense of their identity trying to make everything stay together. They lose the sense to maintain healthy friendships, appearance, and often times drown their depression in form of substance to cope with the stress. Not only is the parents dealing with a multitude of stress, however the child does as well and it tends to show over time. .
Single parented children often suffer with emotional behavior. Considering the home circumstances, it will usually determine some of the behaviors displayed. Those children that are not getting the quality time will tend to be withdrawn, and smaller children tend to act out more until they are familiar with the adjustment.