Anthropology is divided into four sub areas.
anthropology, cultural anthropology, forensic anthropology, and linguistic .
anthropology. All of them serve a different purpose in our attempt to .
uncover our ancient ancestors evolution into Homo sapiens as we are seen .
today. In this essay I will try to explain how each of them are tied together .
to make anthropology a whole. .
I will first start with physical anthropology, which "focuses on .
humans as biological organisms" (Haviland 2003:10). The concerns in this .
field would be "to reconstruct the ancestry of the human species in order to .
understand how, when, and why we became the kind of animal we are .
today."(Haviland 2003: 10). "Another major specialty of physical .
anthropology is the study of present day human variation"(Haviland 2003: .
10). It can be linked to another branch of anthropology which is forensic .
Forensic Anthropology can be linked to physical anthropology due to .
the fact that they are both studying human remains. Although forensic .
anthropology is used for a more modern situation, it still could be applied to .
help physical anthropologists who are trying to figure out the sex, .
approximated age, and if the fossil is in good enough condition, the cause of .
death. I believe that applying these skills would make a more easy quest in .
finding out when we split apart from our primate counterparts. .
Cultural anthropology would be the third sub area of anthropology .
which is "The branch of anthropology which fouses on humans as a culture .
making species."(Haviland 2003:Glossary). This means that they study .
humans from the past and present to determine whether we still use some of .
the practices used by our ancestors. This can be linked to linguistic .
anthropology due to the fact that one thing that the one thing that we have .
kept from our ancestors would be the ability to talk. .
Linguistic anthropology is "the branch of cultural anthropology that .